How to Order Ordering with is easy
1. Click on the product image or product name to view the item details 1. Click " " To add an item to your order then simply click the Add to Cart button.
2. Next, a page will display the item you've just added to your shopping cart. 3. You then have the option to continue shopping or proceed to checkout. **You can cancel product by click X
If you want to buy more click Buttom " Update'' If you want to pay click Buttom " Check out ''
3. Could you please fill data about Name, address, e-mail and phone number for shipping. 4. Click Confirm order and you will receive "Order No" by your email . 5. After you receive Order no. , Could you please wait our Confirm before pay. 6. After our confirm order and total cost. You can pay it.
7. After you pay , Could you please fill in form "Information after payment''